Queers On Screen

With your help, we want to highlight and congratulate the out and proud queer actors & filmmakers who are not afraid to make queer stories!
If you know of Queer Filmmakers making Queer Films, we would love to know the details so we can promote them here!!!
email queersonscreen@googlemail.com
thank you thank you thank you


The XPOSED International Queer Film Festival in Berlin is always one worth waiting for - amazing program, retrospectives that you never see at other festivals and a rocking trailer!!!! Check it out and if your in Berlin - head down to the Moviemento Cinema from the 29th of May until the 1st of June! Can't Wait!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

the queers are angry

and so they should be after fellow gay writer, exercising his right to vent venomous ink on a national setting, pitched the idea or notion that gay actors can not really play straight.
Really, I don't know who would want to put this out there after all of the troubles gay actors have to acutally get parts. Acting is Acting, and there are some really fucking good out and proud gay actors, and there shouldn't be any other alternative.
Does being a closeted gay actor enhance ones acting skills? It surely would kill something inside of them, and it surely hurts all of the other OUT actors who have to then try extra harder to prove themselves that being true to oneself is not going to affect your career, even though it does.
AND WHAT THIS ASS WRITES ABOUT SEAN HAYES AND JONATHAN GROFF ! really, fuck off, these two guys are so fucking talented they could act like a cow and be convincing, even maybe a straight cow, or a transgendered elephant, either way, to say that they can not act straight is not realy a critic, but more like an attack.
Something personal must have gone down here, maybe the newsweek writer got rejected by one of them, or maybe he just hasn't gotten laid in so long that anyone who may be even a little gay is super gay and stupid. That is usually the attitude of people who need sex. Maybe if he just got laid, he could write something better, more progressive and helpful? maybe even something true.
Sean Hayes We Love You!

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