Queers On Screen

With your help, we want to highlight and congratulate the out and proud queer actors & filmmakers who are not afraid to make queer stories!
If you know of Queer Filmmakers making Queer Films, we would love to know the details so we can promote them here!!!
email queersonscreen@googlemail.com
thank you thank you thank you


The XPOSED International Queer Film Festival in Berlin is always one worth waiting for - amazing program, retrospectives that you never see at other festivals and a rocking trailer!!!! Check it out and if your in Berlin - head down to the Moviemento Cinema from the 29th of May until the 1st of June! Can't Wait!

Monday, April 26, 2010


seriously, this woman is fucking amazing, firstly I would like to say that she is one of the best actors around today, secondly, she seems to be one of the most courageous woman in hollywood.
I can't seem to remember what I first saw her in, as she seems to have been in everything, from a small part in this tv show to another small part in that film, to a scene stealing guest role in another show, she just doesn't stop, and nor should she. I would die if she ever took a break. 
Currently she is acting as coach Sue Silvester on fox's GLEE, which is amazing and very LGBT invclusive, her character, while straight, does blur the lines, with her masculine approach to teaching and discipline. In real life, Jane is now engaged to her beautiful girlfriend and with the current hype of Glee, we really look forward to seeing this lesbian wedding everywhere when the time comes and for Jane to be out proud and happy on the cover of every magazine in town! 
She knows how to bring it to the peoples, and she will. There is no stopping this one! Thankfully!!!

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