Queers On Screen

With your help, we want to highlight and congratulate the out and proud queer actors & filmmakers who are not afraid to make queer stories!
If you know of Queer Filmmakers making Queer Films, we would love to know the details so we can promote them here!!!
email queersonscreen@googlemail.com
thank you thank you thank you


The XPOSED International Queer Film Festival in Berlin is always one worth waiting for - amazing program, retrospectives that you never see at other festivals and a rocking trailer!!!! Check it out and if your in Berlin - head down to the Moviemento Cinema from the 29th of May until the 1st of June! Can't Wait!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Theo Alexander???

Is my one great question at the moment,
with True Blood filling the void of the with a number of sexually beautiful Gay Characters, I was wandering which one may actually be gay, and the only one I can question is Theo Alexander, the former 'Talbot' husband of the now crazy king!
In the little research I have managed to do, nothing I can find can decipher whether or not he has in fact been down there in real life, but his over powered sense of culture and history and he is greek, leads me to hope that yes, he is, but will keep this on the radar and keep u posted once we confirm.

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