Queers On Screen

With your help, we want to highlight and congratulate the out and proud queer actors & filmmakers who are not afraid to make queer stories!
If you know of Queer Filmmakers making Queer Films, we would love to know the details so we can promote them here!!!
email queersonscreen@googlemail.com
thank you thank you thank you


The XPOSED International Queer Film Festival in Berlin is always one worth waiting for - amazing program, retrospectives that you never see at other festivals and a rocking trailer!!!! Check it out and if your in Berlin - head down to the Moviemento Cinema from the 29th of May until the 1st of June! Can't Wait!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Leisha Hailey - WE MISS YOU

When we first got into watching the L Word, it was not until season 3, so the first two we kinda missed out on, but after season 4, we fell in love with Leisha Hailey, who possibly played one of the strongest most out spoken lesbian on Television and apparently, we dont know for sure, is also very out spoken in real life too!!!

We think she is the bees knees, simply a joy to watch every scene she was in and what was most upsetting about the L Word being cancelled is that we knew sadly it may be a while before we would see her again on our screens.

There was rumour of her getting a spin off series, but apparently that did not take. I remember lots of people saying how annoying she was and how her voice made them want scratch their eyes out, but I found her voice and everything about this actress inspiring.

Maybe it was her character, or maybe it was the way she portrayed 'Alice' either way, she made me into an unlikely fan and i hope hope hope that one day we see her again, in another queer focused role playing another strong character!!!! Come Back Leisha, we miss you!!!!

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